Ancient wisdom for awakening within everyday modern life

In our sessions, you'll come to see and be free of unhelpful, habitual patterns that can obscure your intrinsic goodness.

The first step is to build up a positive foundation, in which to challenge our limiting beliefs. With that positive base, identifying unhelpful patterns and applying a variety of meditation methods to liberate them through compassionate awareness is the heart of the practice.

Using the ancient wisdom of Indo-Tibetan teachings to cultivate the altruistic mind, which is the most profound healer, you will take real steps toward embodying compassionate wisdom; the heart of a deeply meaningful and joyful life.

As a Transpersonal Meditation Counselor, I draw on the profound insights and wisdom of the enlightened masters of Tibetan Buddhism, Positive Psychology, IFS, other psychological methods, as well as the wisdom of other religions to work together toward the goal of realizing our natural, clear, open, and loving mind.

I offer a compassionate ear, meditation practices, and practical suggestions for transforming the stress, challenging situations of life, and suffering into compassionately sustained contentment. 



• One-on-one sessions are offered through the Zoom online platform, doxy, or by phone.

• One-hour sessions are $100, a sliding fee scale is available for those in financial need.

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